Lahev Pragers Kombucha

The tea for our Original was grown in the motherland of tea in distant China and is ideal for daily invigoration.

Probiotic cultures

At least 33 million probiotic cultures in each bottle.


Unique combination of strong tea flavor and sweet-sour taste of fermentation


We have developed a special brewing process to create a tea infusion rich in aroma and flavour but low in bitter tannins. As a result, our kombucha has a fresh and strong tea flavour.

Plechovka kombuchy - originál

probiotic cultures

Each of our kombuchas contains millions of probiotic cultures and lactic and acetic acids produced by fermentation.

Yeast cultures

Thanks to special yeast cultures, we are able to control the fermentation process and guarantee the same refreshing and gently sour taste each and every time.

Other information

Let's start the day with something fresh benefity

Energy booster


Healthly gut

Probiotic cultures