Lahev Pragers Kombucha

For our kombucha, we've selected premium Matcha, typical for Japan.

Probiotic cultures

At least 33 million probiotic cultures in each bottle.


Matcha is rich in natural compounds.


Experience the fusion of Matcha's potency and the magic of fermentation in our Kombucha, crafting a beverage renowned for its exquisite flavor and enriched with performance-boosting compounds like L-theanine and caffeine. Elevate your cognitive functions effortlessly.

Plechovka kombuchy - originál


This amino acid, combined with natural caffeine (theine), can naturally enhance mental activity while keeping you relaxed.


In tea it is known as theine. The main difference between caffeine and theine lies in absorption. Theine in tea is found in a bound form, thus its effects are less abrupt and last longer.

Other information

The ideal start of your day begins with bubbles... tea with bubbles

Energy booster


Healthly gut

Probiotic cultures